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Pool Construction Tips

Hi, I'm Mandy. If you're looking for tips on pool construction, you've come to the right place. We've just had a new pool installed and I'm full of advice! When I started on our pool I thought it would be an easy build. Boy, was I wrong. I didn't know anything about building a pool apart from the fact I wanted one. Luckily, our construction company set me straight. They helped me work out how big the pool could be and they showed me which shape would suit our yard space. They sorted out permits and even gave me advice on fencing. To find out what I learned, read through my blog. Hope it helps!


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Pool Construction Tips

Understanding Treated Pine

by Bessie Beck

Treated pine is what is achieved after normal pine wood has undergone treatment using preservatives. Mostly, this treatment is used to protect the wood from decay or insect attack, making it viable to be used outdoors. The treatment can also make the wood water resistant, but this is not always the case. You have to ask whether the wood has been treated with a water-resistant preservative when purchasing it.

Because the wood is only protected from insects and decay, you have to apply measures that will protect the treated pine from harsh weather or environmental conditions. Find out more below.

What Are Wood Treatment Preservatives?

The most common types of treatment preservatives for pine are light organic solvent preservatives (LOSP) and waterborne preservatives (chromated copper arsenate, alkaline copper quaternary and copper azole). Be aware that wood treated using LOSP may appear bluish.

What Are the Measures You Have to Apply to Protect Treated Pine?

Treated wood will still be vulnerable to weathering. When you expose treated pine to rain or direct sunlight, it may develop fine cracks, change colour to a grey or silver colour or even grow mould. To protect the pine, you need to clean it before installing it, choose the right fixings and maintain the wood.

Before installation, store the treated pine wood somewhere clean and away from moisture or direct sunlight. If there are exposed untreated ends, make sure to apply a water repellent preservative.

For the fixings, it is not recommended to use electroplated fasteners, as they will result in an early breakdown. instead, use stainless steel, silicone bronze, hot dipped galvanised or monel screws, framing anchors, nails or bolts.  

You may need to apply a finish or water-repellent preservative regularly for maintenance, as most water repellents are not for long-term use. The finish can be a good quality paint or a pigmented oil-based satin. The manufacturer will have provided instructions on what to use and how to do it. 

DIY or Hire a Professional?

Installing treated pine and following the preservative measures can be easy for a handy homeowner; however, if you feel like you will not do a good job, be safe and hire a professional's service. You will prevent injury, ensure quality and neat work is done and guarantee that your treated pine will not get damaged, incurring losses.

Understanding treated pine will help you know how to use it the right way.
