Hi, I'm Mandy. If you're looking for tips on pool construction, you've come to the right place. We've just had a new pool installed and I'm full of advice! When I started on our pool I thought it would be an easy build. Boy, was I wrong. I didn't know anything about building a pool apart from the fact I wanted one. Luckily, our construction company set me straight. They helped me work out how big the pool could be and they showed me which shape would suit our yard space. They sorted out permits and even gave me advice on fencing. To find out what I learned, read through my blog. Hope it helps!
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There are some people who have made the decision to not wear shoes… like, ever. To each their own, but it seems like an inconvenient way to go through life. Bare feet are no match for many things you might walk over, and broken glass will be high on that list. But what about when glass breaks at home and you or your family aren't wearing shoes? Adults can generally use common sense to avoid injury, but children might need some extra assistance.
Getting Your Kids to Safety
If your children aren't wearing shoes when the window smashes (and if they're playing inside, this is unlikely to be the case), then they might need assistance to escape without injury. It's important that they remain still. You will need to put on a pair of durable shoes, enter the room and ideally, lift them to safety. Deposit them just outside the room, taking care not to exit the room yourself as you might now have glass fragments on the soles of your shoes which can easily be trod into the carpet. Inspect their feet carefully. If there are any deep cuts or you're concerned that glass fragments might have become embedded in their feet, obviously you should seek medical attention.
Assess and Begin to Clean
Once they're safely outside of the room, you can assess the damage. Close the door to prevent any pets from entering. Wearing a pair of gardening gloves, carefully pick up the larger pieces of glass. If the window has shattered, there will be numerous fragments. These should be wrapped in newspaper. Again, ensure that you don't wear your shoes out of the room where the damage has occurred.
It can be more efficient to simply bundle the larger pieces in newspaper, which can then be placed in a plastic bag by the door for removal. The room can also be swept at this point, although more comprehensive cleaning will be needed. When exiting the room, remove your shoes and carry them outside. Using a rubber dishwashing glove and some masking or gaffer tape, reverse roll the tape around your gloved hand so that the adhesive side is facing outwards. Gently rub the soles of your shoes so that the tape removes any glass fragments. The tape-covered glove can then be removed and thrown away.
Contact a glass repairs company that offers same-day service. This saves you from having to board the window up to secure your home overnight. Enquire if the company also offers a comprehensive site cleaning to remove all the remaining glass fragments. This saves you having to do it using your vacuum cleaner (which is unlikely to be as effective).
Although the shattered window is understandably an annoyance, the safety of your family is, of course, going to be your top priority.