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Pool Construction Tips

Hi, I'm Mandy. If you're looking for tips on pool construction, you've come to the right place. We've just had a new pool installed and I'm full of advice! When I started on our pool I thought it would be an easy build. Boy, was I wrong. I didn't know anything about building a pool apart from the fact I wanted one. Luckily, our construction company set me straight. They helped me work out how big the pool could be and they showed me which shape would suit our yard space. They sorted out permits and even gave me advice on fencing. To find out what I learned, read through my blog. Hope it helps!


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Pool Construction Tips

Is Your Family Growing? Consider These 2 Home Renovations

by Bessie Beck

For a number of people, their first home is usually acquired when they are single or dating. As a result, the house is typically suited for a couple or a small family. But with time, when you start having kids and your family expands, you will quickly find that space in your once-perfect residence is now limited. When you get to this point, you could go down two paths. You could either choose to move into a bigger house to accommodate you and your family, or you could elect to engage in home renovations to transform your home into a spacious haven. And since buying a new house and relocating can be hassle-free, you should read on for two home renovations you can engage in for your growing family.

Construct an additional storey

While most people associate an additional storey with bungalows, the reality is you can add a storey to any home. The first thing to do is check with your local council or home owners association to determine if there are any restrictions or building codes to meet. As long as your foundation is capable of withstanding the additional level, then you can go ahead with the renovation. Alternatively, if your foundation cannot bear the additional weight, you can hire foundation contractors to underpin or pier it to bolster its support.

An additional storey comes with a host of benefits. Firstly, you have the freedom to convert the entire level into bedrooms, which means everybody in your household will have their own room. On the other hand, you could choose to utilise the space as an entertainment area and then convert your pre-existing rooms into living spaces.

Construct a sunroom

When you have kids, it is only a matter of time before they overrun your home. And the more children you have, the less space you have for solitude. If you are already finding that your house is no longer yours, you should consider constructing a sunroom. A sunroom is better than a porch or verandah since the space is enclosed. Hence, you can make use of this room year-round while still getting the feeling of being outdoors.

Secondly, by installing an HVAC unit and some electrical sockets, your sunroom can be a great adult lounge to spend time in, whether you simply want to read a book or entertain a few of your friends. Not to mention that a sunroom will boost the value of your property too!

Get in touch with a home renovation contractor for more information.
